Darío León (he, him, his)
Research and Community Coordinator
Darío assists faculty in their research initiatives and centers, particularly with a community engagement focus. By aligning faculty research with partner organization’s continued goals, Darío connects, engages, collaborates and ultimately forms positive relationships with a wide range of community partners. He also supports new partnerships development through utilizing qualitative research skills, event planning, and program management.
Darío brings a deep understanding and experience as a community organizer through his community engaged work throughout central and northern California. His current work with the Salinas Economic Inclusive Economic Initiative (SEIDI) in the Salinas Valley is one example of community organization relationship building as well as providing resources and services, like power analysis and power mapping, to organizations that have traditionally been held only in higher education that can be an incredible resource to communities. His support of the Center for Labor and Community (CLC) in their Young Workers Survey Project is an example of networking and connecting community focused organizations, unions and public institutions with a focus on research, organizational power building, and public good.
His work in strengthening communities spans over 17 years in engaging with diverse neighborhoods and regions throughout the state. Darío grew up in Chico, CA in a farm working family who immigrated from the state of Guanajuato, México. His experience growing up in a rural, farm working environment as well as having family and organizing roots in the Berkeley/Oakland area has uniquely shaped his perspective and approach to urban as well as rural community engagement power building strategies.
Contact info: 831-459-5985 dariol@ucsc.edu