Our Work Together
The Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators (ISEE) prepares early career scientists and engineers to be productive educators and professionals, with graduate students being the primary ISEE audience. ISEE focuses on effective and inclusive teaching, including mentoring, and also includes training in professional skills such as communication, teamwork, collaboration, and leadership.
At the heart of ISEE is the Professional Development Program (PDP), a series of workshops and a practical teaching experience in an ISEE program or affiliated course. The PDP has an annual cycle that begins with the 4-day Inquiry Institute held each spring, and which brings the ISEE community together. Participants often return to the PDP for multiple years, returning in leadership roles that further develop their skills, and contribute to advancing the ISEE community’s work. After one cycle of the PDP, participants can apply for an ISEE Certificate of Completion in Teaching Innovative Laboratory Experiences.
In addition to the PDP (and sometimes through the PDP), ISEE develops and offers workshops on mentoring and other professional skills, and is engaged in research on teaching, learning, and professional development.