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Better World Book Party 2021

Join us as we celebrate this year's published authors and editors from the UCSC Division of Social Sciences. The event will be held in-person at the Namaste Lounge. All are welcome! For more information about the books visit our Better World Books page. Sponsored by the Institute for Social Transformation. 2021 Social Science Authors and …

BET Her Presents…Becoming: Michelle Obama In Conversation

Legal studies student Aissata Ba was among the students who participated a conversation last year with Michelle Obama. Ba filmed a wealth of material from the trip to Maryland, both for her own channels and for an Instagram takeover for Better Make Room, the nonprofit organization, founded by Michelle Obama, that offers resources and encouragement …

Why Elementary Kids Need Recess

Many educators and policymakers believe recess is simply fun and games, and easily dispensable to make room for more serious educational goals. The reality is that recess serves an important role for the elementary student – providing the key time during the school day when children can practice their social and emotional skills in an …

Archives in Plain Sight: Researching Latina/o/x History

Dr. Rosina Lozano, Associate Professor of History at Princeton University, work shows us that Latina/o/x history exists all over the United States if someone looks for it. Drawing on examples from her research, including California documents on Spanish language laws, Bureau of Indian Affairs documents about Mexican Americans in relation to Native Americans, and Congressional records of …

Pollinators and Urban Community Gardens with Stacy Philpott

Pollinators are essential to our environment, but habitat loss, pesticide use, and introduced diseases are causing issues for these creatures all over the world. During this talk, Stacy Philpott will share her research from the past decade exploring how urban garden and landscape management influence pollinators. We’ll tour urban gardens near Santa Cruz and learn …

New Strategies: Extractivist Corporations, Communities, and the State in a Post-COVID World

The Extractivism and Society Research Cluster is organizing a four-part series entitled “Conversations on Extractivism in a Post-Pandemic World.” The second of these conversations will take place on January 27. The series will continue over winter and spring quarter. Description: The struggles of social movements and communities against extractive multinational corporations have stalled or cancelled major projects, threatening …

Envisioning the Convergence of the Environmental and Social Justice Movements

At this first virtual event, we have invited author and wildlife biologist Dr. J. Drew Lanham to speak to the UC Santa Cruz natural history community about the convergence of the environmental and social justice movements. In many ways, we at UC Santa Cruz are a developing example of the convergence of what these two movements look like at the university level.

Black Liberation and Pedagogies

Freedom is not a state; it is an act. It is not some enchanted garden perched high on a distant plateau where we can finally sit down and rest. Freedom is the continuous action we all must take, and each generation must do its part to create an even more fair, more just society.“― John Lewis …

38th Annual Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Convocation

The annual convocation celebrates the life and dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by presenting speakers who discuss the civil rights issues of equality, freedom, justice, and opportunity. This year's speaker is Professor Ruha Benjamin.

Communities in Movement: From local territorial defensive action to national and hemispheric political articulation

The Extractivism and Society Research Cluster is organizing a four-part series entitled “Conversations on Extractivism in a Post-Pandemic World.” This is the third conversation in the series. Convening Questions 1. How have territorially-based community-rooted resistance to extractivist projects evolved from merely the local realm to being able to exercise influence at broader national political scene? 2. What are …

Disruptive Archives: Feminist Memories of Resistance in Latin America’s Dirty Wars

Dr. Viviana MacManus, the author of Disruptive Archives: Feminist Memories of Resistance in Latin America’s Dirty Wars (University of Illinois Press, 2020), will discuss the history of gender and state violence during the so-called “Dirty Wars” of Argentina and Mexico (1960-1980s) and the current struggles over the historical memory of this era. In dialogue with RCA Director …