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The Legacy is in the Soil: An Evening with CheFarmer Matthew Raiford

The UC Santa Cruz Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS) and Bookshop Santa Cruz present a book talk and signing event with CheFarmer Matthew Raiford, farmer, chef, and graduate of the CASFS Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture.  Raiford will discuss his new cookbook, Bress 'n' Nyam: Gullah Geechee Recipes from a Sixth-Generation Farmer, a collection …

Improving Outcomes of Tree Growing and Forest Restoration Efforts

Business leaders, politicians, celebrities, and non-profit organizations are calling for the planting of millions, billions, or even trillions of trees to slow climate change. Is that really feasible? Professor Karen Holl will talk about what we can actually achieve from growing trees and how to improve the outcomes of forest restoration efforts, based on her …

Sketching in the Garden

In this class, participants will work on cultivating observational skills and artistic talent with inspiration from the Alan Chadwick Garden. Starting with a short presentation about a variety of approaches to field sketching and journaling, we'll take a look at several different examples of how to create a successful sketchbook page composition with an overview of …