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Practical Activism Conference

PAC is a student-led conference that aims to further local and global change in our community by representing diverse perspectives on a variety of social justice issues, and provides hands on tools to make practical change.

Disruptive Archives: Feminist Memories of Resistance in Latin America’s Dirty Wars

Dr. Viviana MacManus, the author of Disruptive Archives: Feminist Memories of Resistance in Latin America’s Dirty Wars (University of Illinois Press, 2020), will discuss the history of gender and state violence during the so-called “Dirty Wars” of Argentina and Mexico (1960-1980s) and the current struggles over the historical memory of this era. In dialogue with RCA Director …

Communities in Movement: From local territorial defensive action to national and hemispheric political articulation

The Extractivism and Society Research Cluster is organizing a four-part series entitled “Conversations on Extractivism in a Post-Pandemic World.” This is the third conversation in the series. Convening Questions 1. How have territorially-based community-rooted resistance to extractivist projects evolved from merely the local realm to being able to exercise influence at broader national political scene? 2. What are …