Join Campus + Community in a forum with campus leaders about taking stock of engaged scholarship in the tenure and promotion process at UCSC and across the UC system. UCSC has developed several new sets of guidelines that will help engaged scholars to talk about and elevate their teaching and research. These guidelines will also help departments, deans, the Committee on Academic Personnel (CAP) and senior leadership to evaluate engaged scholar files. Presenters will share the ways that campus is seeking to support engaged scholarship in the merit process and will take questions from the audience about how to move forward. For more information, visit our webpage.
Workshop: 3:30pm–4:30pm
Reception: 4:30pm–5:30pm
Location: UCSC Rachel Carson Red Room
Questions? Contact Campus + Community:
View the unedited recording. (Note, we had some technical difficulties at the start, which will be fully apparent in the video. Apologies, and thanks for sticking with us!)