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The Legacy is in the Soil: An Evening with CheFarmer Matthew Raiford

The UC Santa Cruz Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS) and Bookshop Santa Cruz present a book talk and signing event with CheFarmer Matthew Raiford, farmer, chef, and graduate of the CASFS Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture.  Raiford will discuss his new cookbook, Bress 'n' Nyam: Gullah Geechee Recipes from a Sixth-Generation Farmer, a collection …

Event Postponed – Local Data Collection: Filling the Gaps & Building Local Resilience

Due to unforeseen circumstances this event has been postponed until a later date this Fall (TBD). Event updates will be posted on the website. This panel, co-hosted by DataShare Santa Cruz County and CORE Investments, will speak with local leaders as they speak to the power of local data collection as a key element …

The Recurring Klan Movement’s Fight for “Americanism” and Against Equality

From the deadly "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville in 2017, to the role of white nationalists in the January 6 U.S. Capitol insurgency, recent events have spotlighted white supremacist groups. To grapple with these forces and broader problems of racism and inequality, we need a deeper understanding of the Klan movement—the Ku Klux Klan …

Investors are Waking Up to Climate Risk

The severity of this summer's extreme weather events is creating a new sense of urgency for action to achieve a net-zero global economy by mid-century to avoid the most severe impacts of climate change. To achieve this, global carbon emissions must decline rapidly from their current levels. The changes required have huge implications for the …

The 21st Century Revolution in Gender & Sexual Diversity: A New Generation Leads the Way

The 21st century has seen an explosion of new language and new understandings of gender and sexuality, with LGBTQ+ adolescents often depicted as harbingers of social change in gender and sexuality, challenging mainstream beliefs and values and using social media as tools for expression and community building. In this University Forum, Phillip Hammack, professor of …

Poetry and Abolition with Tongo Eisen-Martin

The keynote Plenary of the Media and Society Lecture Series at Kresge College is here! This event features San Francisco Poet Laureate Tongo Eisen-Martin, in conversation with Kresge faculty, including novelist-poet Daniel Pearce UCSC Writing Program) and Associate Professor Anjuli Verma (Politics / Legal Studies); they will discuss language and media in the history of slavery and …

Net-Zero Carbon Portfolio Alignment

This talk will outline a simple and robust methodology for portfolio managers to align their portfolios with the carbon neutrality goals (Net Zero Targets) set out following the Paris Agreement in 2015. The approach is based on dynamically limiting the portfolio carbon footprint so that it satisfies a time-varying, science-based, carbon budget consistent with maintaining …

By the Light of Burning Dreams: The Triumphs and Tragedies of the Second American Revolution founder and former editor-in-chief David Talbot and his sister Margaret, a longtime staff writer at the New Yorker, together explore the potential landscape of the 1960s and 1970s. Based on exclusive interviews, original documents, and archival research, By the Light of Burning Dreams explores critical moments in the lives of a diverse cast of …

Building Back Better: Tools and Methods for a More Inclusive Recovery

The Center for Social Innovation at UC Riverside, along with the Institute for Social Transformation at UC Santa Cruz and Alianza Coachella Valley, will be hosting Building Back Better: Tools and Methods for a More Inclusive Recovery on Thursday, October 21 starting at Noon PT. The event will include a panel discussion with experts on the different …

The Senate: From White Supremacy to Governmental Gridlock

Join us for this lively analysis by UC Santa Cruz Professor of Politics Daniel Wirls of the U.S. Senate, its relation to our other institutions of government and the constitutional system as a whole, and the role of the "world’s greatest deliberative body" in undermining effective government and maintaining white supremacy in America. In his …

Public Interest Technology Chat: Centering the Community

The Public Interest Technology Chat (PITCh) is a monthly series of remote conversations between established and early career scholars to support the work of practitioners and academics interested in public interest technology, with topics ranging from substantive issues to professional development topics. The PITCh, hosted by Lab Director Prof. Anne L. Washington, PhD, will feature …

The Art of Black Ecologies: A Virtual Studio Visit & Conversation

The concept of black ecologies underscores the undue impact of climate and environmental injustice on Black diaspora communities while lifting up “insurgent” Black ecological knowledge (Roane & Hosbey 2019). Join us for a virtual studio visit and conversation on art and black ecologies with independent scholar and artist Jennifer Steverson. Steverson uses indigo dye, textiles, …