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Conference: Civic Education in Polarized Times

Please join our Zoom conference, Civic Education in Polarized Times, October 29-30, 2021, to be held by the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy! The Institute for Social Transformation is a co-sponsor of this year’s conference, which features papers, commentary, and audience Q&A on pressing issues: In pluralist and conflicted societies, can teachers, particularly those …

Solidarity Economics: OUR Movement, OUR Economy

Join us for an event with prominent national policy advocates and social movement leaders in conversation with Chris Benner and Manuel Pastor on their forthcoming book Solidarity Economics: Why Mutuality and Movements Matter. Solidarity Economics is an economic frame that recognizes that people are not just individuals, but also members of broader social groups and …

Settling Climate Accounts: Navigating the Road to Net Zero

As drivers of climate action enter the fourth decade of what has become a multi-stage race, Net Zero has emerged as the dominant organizing principle. Hundreds of corporations and investors worldwide, together responsible for assets in the tens of trillions of dollars, are lining-up for the UN Race to Zero. This latest stage in the …

Precarity and Belonging: Labor, Migration, and Noncitizenship

Join us for a book launch event with UC Santa Cruz co-editors (Catherine S. Ramírez, Sylvanna M. Falcón, Juan Poblete, Steven C. McKay, Felicity Amaya Schaeffer) of Precarity and Belonging: Labor, Migration, and Noncitizenship (Rutgers University Press, 2021). Co-sponsored by the Research Center for the Americas.

2021 Alumni Achievement Award Celebrating Dr. Barbara Ferrer

Join us for a special evening to celebrate the extraordinary work of alumna Dr. Barbara Ferrer (Rachel Carson ‘78–Community Studies) who leads the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. As UCSC prepares to launch a new Global and Community Health program aimed at addressing challenges of ill-health both globally and locally, Grant Hartzog, professor …

Friendships, Identity, and Well-being Among Diverse California Youth and Implications for Life After the COVID -19 Pandemic

The first 21 years of the 21st century have been a continuous period of major social, cultural, demographic, economic and political changes. From the September 11 terrorist attacks, to the Great Recession, to marriage rights for same-sex couples, to the climate crisis, to the immigrant and refugee crisis on the southern border, to the Black Lives …

Designing a Faculty Website on WordPress and Making it Work for You

Professional websites can boost your reputation and promote your research. UCSC provides free access to WordPress for faculty (with several design templates). This workshop will walk you through best practices and what to consider when creating your UCSC faculty website. Learn how journalists and media relations officers use websites and how you can optimize your …

Everett Project Student Showcase 2021

Join us, in person or on Zoom,  for Everett’s 3rd Annual Student Showcase to witness the impact our students and partners are making locally and globally towards a more equitable and thriving world.